What is your school of thought regarding your company IT Infrastructure?

On Premise, Cloud or Hybrid?
We often end up asking this question after giving a product demo: Should your Company’s data and documents be stored on Premise, in the Cloud or in an hybrid configuration?
Whatever you decide, and in relation to your Company’s risk evaluation and/or your data accessibility options for example, you will be interested to know that Eazzy software IT solutions may be installed either on premise, in the cloud or have an hybrid infrastructure. The choice is yours.
The new Eazzy browser based solutions:
– Eazzy Corporate Secretarial
– Eazzy Commerce
– Eazzy Filing
all offer this option and the Eazzy in-built document management system, may be connected either to SharePoint or Windows Explorer.
Before you decide which route to take, check out the different scenarios and the related advantages linked to them with us. We will be happy to assist.